Your Premier Solar Company in Roodepoort Established in 2017, Orbipex Solar has been providing exceptional service ever since. Our success is attributed to the grace and glory of God. We specialize in nationwide solar installations and sales, and we're excited to announce that we're now selling online. As the leading solar installer and supplier in the Roodepoort region, we're committed to delivering the best products and services to our clients.

How does solar energy work?

The sun's energy is converted into electrical energy through solar technologies, which work by either concentrating solar radiation using mirrors or utilizing photovoltaic (PV) panels. The resulting energy can be used to generate electricity or stored in thermal storage or batteries.

The PV or solar cells work by converting sunlight into electricity. When sunlight hits the solar cell's semiconductor material, it releases electrons that generate electric current.

Solar radiation is an electromagnetic radiation type, which is emitted by the sun. The solar system harnesses this radiation and transforms it into useful forms of energy, such as electricity. 

Pros of Solar Power

• Safer than traditional electric current. 
• Provides you with clean and renewable energy.

• Can be installed virtually anywhere.

• You can use batteries to store extra power for use at night or during load shedding. 

• Increases the value of your home.

• You have the ability to live off the grid.

• Gives you control over your electricity. 

• Little to no maintenance is needed since solar panels last for over 30 years.  

Choosing The Best Solar Panels

The cost of solar panels has greatly reduced in recent years. The cost of solar panels depends on various factors.

How much do solar panels cost? The cost of a solar panel is determined in part by:

  • The physical size
  • Its capacity (in Watts)
  • Any certifications the solar panel might have
  • Quality of materials
  • The durability and longevity
  • The brand

Panel cost versus value. There are a variety of factors that should influence your purchase decision instead of focusing just on cost.

  • Types of solar cells used [Modules use 3 main types of solar cells. Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline, and Amorphous are some best types.]

Tolerance [This is the range a panel will either exceed or not meet its rated power. Because of the quality control issues, the output in ideal conditions may realistically only be 195W. A positive tolerance rating means the module will not only generate 200 watts but maybe more under standard testing conditions]

Temperature coefficient [This rating is important to determine what impact heat has on a solar panel’s operation after installation. The lower the percentage is, the better.]

Conversion efficiency [The efficiency of how a solar panel converts light into electrical energy will determine how much power your system generates.]

  • LID resistance [Light-induced degradation. This process occurs in the first few months after installing the solar panels. While this will stabilize after a period, it can reduce the amount of power that the module produces. A good solar panel will have little or no LID.] 

PID resistance [Potential-induced degradation. This is caused by stray currents triggered by certain climate conditions, which can cause major power loss. Good solar panels will display little or no PID.]

Embodied energy [This is how energy intensive the production of the panel was and how quickly it will pay itself back by producing more energy] 


Ja SolarHubble


Canadian SolarDyness
