General Practice (GP)

- Blood Pressure Tests

A blood pressure test measures artery pressure to detect hypertension and its effects. It can be done at a healthcare provider's office or at home with a monitor. Some tests also check blood urea nitrogen and cholesterol levels for kidney or heart issue indicators.

- Vaccinations

Vaccination helps the immune system develop immunity by using vaccines containing weakened microorganisms or viruses. This stimulates the body's adaptive immunity to prevent sickness from infectious diseases.

- Check Ups

Regular check-ups involve examinations, tests, and medical history reviews to identify medical risks and detect diseases early. Doctors recommend yearly check-ups based on age, gender, risk factors, and family history. Annual check-ups from age 45 and onwards are crucial for preventive healthcare and health education.

- Medical Assessments

A medical assessment evaluates a patient's health, including physical, psychological, and social aspects. It may include tests like BMI, blood pressure, and vision assessment, aiming to provide preventive care and education for improved health and quality of life.

- Minor Surgeries

Minor surgeries such as cataract surgery, circumcision, breast biopsy, and arthroscopy are typically outpatient procedures. These procedures are brief, minimally invasive, and usually do not necessitate a hospital stay.

- Circumcisions

Circumcision is a procedure that removes the foreskin from the human penis. In the most common form of the operation, the foreskin is extended with forceps, then a circumcision device may be placed, after which the foreskin is excised. 

- D&C Primary Health

"Dilation and Curettage," a procedure for uterine conditions. "Primary Health Care" (PHC) focuses on lifelong health needs, promoting overall well-being and community empowerment.

- Mother & Child Healthcare

Maternal and Child Healthcare plays a vital role in public health, emphasizing the health and wellness of women throughout pregnancy, delivery, and the postnatal phase.

- Ultrasounds

Ultrasound consists of high-frequency sound waves beyond human hearing. It is used in medical imaging to visualize internal body structures. A transducer emits sound waves, records echoes bouncing back, and creates images to assess soft tissues and organs.