Electrical repairs, installations, Pre-Paid Meter Installer, COC's and Solar systems.

Welcome to Biode Electrical 



The company name Biode. Where does it come from? If we think about global warming affecting the whole earth and the conditions we live in, it has a massive impact on the whole society. All the different companies polluting the world making life on earth more difficult. How can we make earth a better place? How can we contribute our time and effort into making it better for our kids and future generations?

The name is derived from two different words that the owner put together. The first word is Biosphere as we all know it is made up of the parts of the earth where life exists, in other words all eco systems. The second word is diode which is an electronic component that conducts current primarily in one direction. Biode Electrical was born.

We are looking forward to giving you as our potential customer the best service and help make this world a safer place.

We specialize in electrical installations and repairs making your property a safe place. We also do pre-paid meter installations as well as COC’s. The last product we offer is solar installations where we can recommend the best systems for your personal needs. Load shedding does give a lot of people big problems affecting your personal life as well as business functionality. A back up system for those times is needed and the demand is rising.

About us:

The owner knew from a young age that he wanted to be an entrepreneur folding paper guns at the age of 8 selling them to other kids.

He finished school and started working for a few different electrical companies. It was a cooling and electrical company, then a company that they worked on sites where they would wire multiple houses and flats from top to bottom.

The biggest project was 17 blocks where each block had 6 two-bedroom flats. The next step was working for a factory to get his red seal as a dual traded artisan in fitting and electrical, also known as a Millwright.

Finally, he went into the property industry to learn important business skills and knowledge on meeting our customer needs and marketing our products/services to ensure it reaches the right target market.

Jacques Thirion


A Certificate of Compliance (COC) is a legal document that verifies that an electrical installation is compliant on the date of inspection with all the legal requirements as stipulated in the Electrical Installations Occupational Health and Safety Act of South Africa. We all wish that our electrical installations could last a lifetime but this is unfortunately not the case. All electrical installations require regular inspections to ensure they are safe and meet the minimum standards as laid out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act.


The electrical certificate of compliance is intended to be a very valuable document under the law. Many treat it as a painful requirement for a property sale, bond or insurance, however, what most don’t realise is that it is an important safety document and if not done correctly, or not at all, it can make your insurance invalid and could put your family or company at risk.


After your property has been inspected, you will be issued with an electrical compliance certificate. This certificate proves that your property complies with regulation and will allow the continued transfer of your property when selling your home. An electrical certificate of compliance when issued ensures that:

  • All your electrical circuits are healthy and functioning correctly.
  • Your premises are free from any potential electric shock risks and fire hazards.
  • Your premises are free from any defective electrical work.
  • That your premises have been correctly earthed and bonded.


In South Africa we have a lot of things that need electricity. Everything that has electricity does have a lifespan and does need maintenance or perhaps new installations. With problem solving skills we will be able to fix your electrical problems. Biode Electrical is based in Nelspruit providing these services. With qualified personnel you can have ease at heart that the job will be done correctly.

We can do electrical installations such as lights, plugs, distribution boards, gate motors, fans, geysers etc. just to name a few. Biode Electrical can also do electrical wiring on properties from the foundation where the PVC pipes will be laid right into the roof where everything is rounded off.

With years of experience in the electrical field, Biode Electrical will get your electrical needs fulfilled.  



When we think about today’s times with regards to power shortages, loadshedding and increased price on electricity it becomes very frustrating and sometimes difficult to get to our daily tasks and business ventures.

Biode Electrical Services Nelspruit offers you a solution to make your life better with solar solutions.

We can offer you a variety of solutions depending on the application and your personal needs. Whether it is to decrease your electricity bill or give you backup power when needed.

This includes but is not limited to personal residence, business or a portable alternative energy source.

A big advantage of renewable energy is the fact that you can use the sun’s rays everyday to generate electricity and it is a natural source that does not run out.

So how does solar technologies work? Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation.

This energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in batteries. In between your PV panels and batteries, you have an inverter that converts the sun’s DC rays to AC to enable you as a user to have electricity.

Nelspruit does have a good amount of sunlight and Biode Electrical Services can assist you in putting it into good use.

Biode Electrical Services Nelspruit can also help you to reduce the carbon footprint by using renewable energy from the sun and converting it into electricity which means less carbon emissions into our atmosphere, less toxic waste and a self-sustaining energy source.

As the human population increases, the volume of fossil fuels burned increases. This results in the significantly increasing pace of pollution resulting in a very well-known term, global warming.

Greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to earth’s surface by greenhouse gases which is once again created by a number of things, including burning fossil fuels.

This heat trapped gasses can be seen as a blanket wrapped around the earth keeping the planet warmer than it would have been without them.

By using renewable energy, you are playing a small part in decreasing this rapid growing disaster.

If you are looking to make a difference in the world by using renewable energy and help to reduce pollution, saving money in the long run by decreasing electricity bills or just purely having back up electricity, Biode Electrical Services Nelspruit would be able to assist you in the needs that you have. 

Pre-Paid Meter

A prepaid meter puts the power in the hands of the customer as it enables them to have more direct control over their power usage.

The household budgeting is made easier as the meters include an in-home display that shows consumption clearly.

It helps to eliminate the chances of month-end electricity account shocks.

With this pay as you go method it ensures that the landlord, rental agency and body corporate will not be liable for a hefty electricity bill month end.

A case study has shown that changing from post-paid monthly bills to prepaid electricity, an average consumer reduces their electrical usage by 12%-15% per day.

Legal aspects stipulate that you can buy a prepaid electricity meter, but you are not allowed to install it yourself. To install a prepaid electricity meter, you have to be a qualified electrician or be a licensed installer of prepaid electricity meters.

Biode Electrical has qualified staff with experience that can do these installations for you.